RankCloudzTM - Compare cloud services, Generate customized in-depth reports

RankCloudz is our innovative, patent pending cloud evaluation and ranking methodology that uses a continuously growing and evolving knowledge base of deep insights into every measurable aspect of public cloud services. It provides the base for creating unbiased, customized evaluations of public cloud vendors based on the users' business and technical priorities.

RankCloudz Online, provides you a fully interactive system using informative visualizations that save you time and effort while evaluating major cloud vendors for a wide range of business scenarios. You can start by using a scenario closest to your business environment and then find the best cloud vendors for that scenario using several requirements that can be prioritized based on your specific needs. Once you are satisfied with the prioritization and evaluation, you can also generate a customized PDF report with additional information about the top vendors and detailed analysis for use in your purchasing process.

With RankCloudz, you can be confident that your purchasing decisions for cloud assets are based on comprehensive, objective and repeatable analysis of relevant public cloud vendors.

As an unregistered user, you can access only one cloud scenario, but as a registered user, you have full access to many other interesting scenarios that can be used as your starting point. Also, detailed, customized evaluation reports - each valued at USD 849 - are available free to registered users during the ongoing introductory period.

Please click below to start your customized evaluation based on a few common cloud migration scenarios.
Enterprise Apps
and Hosting
Data Center
Big Data &
Storage and
Dev & Test